

Version client à utiliser en combinaison avec l'application eClicker Host.
Product Overview:
eClicker is a personal response system that allows teachers to poll their class during a lesson. It provides teachers with the real-time feedback they need to be sure their messages are being received. Developed for smartphones and laptops, eClicker leverages the hardware already in the hands of many students providing a low cost polling solution for the classroom. All you need to get started is the eClicker Host app running on an iOS device, a Wi-Fi network, and students with internet-enabled devices to participate.

En anglais • Prix : gratuit • Aperçu de l'application

Apprentissage mobile et usages pédagogiques des tablettes

Outils de productivité et utilitaires …

Outils pour l'enseignant

Description fournie par l'éditeur; prix donnés à titre indicatif et susceptibles d'être modifiés sans préavis.